We hear so much about self-care Sunday in today’s society, but what exactly is it?
Self-care Sunday is an intentional practice you do on Sundays (or any day that works best for you) to care for yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually.
Anything that repowers, recenters, and brings peace to you is considered self-care. Even if it’s just for a few minutes a day, because let’s be honest, sometimes that’s all we have.
Sunday is usually the most popular day to practice self-care because typically this is a day a lot of people are relaxing and preparing for the week ahead.
The ‘Sunday Scaries’ has set in as you think of the dreaded upcoming Monday and something to counter and calm your nerves is desperately needed.
In today’s world, we have so much information thrown at us every single day. We can open our phones at any time and see a plethora of information from all over the world both good and bad.
You then add in kids, work, and everyday life, and that leaves many people feeling overstimulated and riddled with anxiety.
Self-care is a must to decompress and prioritize your wellness. After all, your health is your wealth.
Between the millions of things, we have to do in life it can be difficult to squeeze in self-care. Hustle culture and the feeling of always doing something have made us feel guilty when we set aside some time for ourselves. This is ridiculous, but also a reality for many of us.
To know we have a to-do list a mile long, but instead, we are indulging in a bubble bath can feel wrong, but it shouldn’t.
On the contrary, when you take time for yourself you will do everything else better because you’ll feel calmer and filled with more joy. You will be a better mother, wife, father, husband, child, student, employee, and overall human.

Self-care Sunday can be done in many different ways, there is no one size fits all approach. Whatever gets you to unwind, relax, and recenter is what you should do. Think of something that brings you joy and set aside some time to do just that.
It can be as simple as listening to your favorite song or something more extravagant like a full spa day. What you do and how long you do it for is completely up to you and your lifestyle.
An outdoorsy person? You can incorporate more hikes and runs. If you are someone who enjoys getting pampered your self-care Sunday may include the spa or getting your hair and nails done.
If you want to go a little deeper, you can spend time meditating or talking to God. Whatever you feel you need at that moment is what you should do.
I would recommend doing a small self-care act every day. I know this can be hard to do with a busy life, but even if it’s just a quick 3-5 minutes in the morning or at the end of the day will make such a difference in your day-to-day life. If we cannot spare a few minutes a day to give ourselves some love and kindness, what are we doing?
1. Stretch – stretching is such an underrated way to feel good. just a few minutes in the morning can change your day. Stretching increases blood flow improves your ability to do daily activities, and helps your posture, among many other things!
2. Get out in nature – Nature connects us to life itself. Seeing all the beauty in nature can help ground us and help us remember life’s importance. This can be taking a hike or simply sitting under the trees.
3. Breath – We can’t forget to return to our breath. We do breathe unconsciously, but you will be surprised how noticing your breathing will bring you back into the now and keep you present. Take a few minutes and be conscious of your breathing. A couple of deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth is all we need.
4. Read a good book – Getting lost in the pages of a good book is a great form of escapism
5. Positive Affirmations – Speaking positively to yourself is something t
hat is so powerful and can shift your entire day, not to mention life. Affirmations are a powerful manifestation that also shifts the mood and keeps your brain focused on the good. (See post 35 Wednesday Affirmations on exact phrases that can be helpful.
6. Set goals and intentions – A good way to declutter the mind and feel less stressed is to set and write down your goals and intentions for the day or week/month. This can help to see what needs to take priority.
7. DIY Craft – Many people find it relaxing and calming to do arts and crafts. If so, start a fun DIY project!
8. Garden – Gardening is a great way to get outside and stay present. It also brings satisfaction as you begin seeing the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor.cv
9. Light a candle – lighting a candle can quickly change the entire ambiance of a room and change your mood with the smell and lighting alone. Certain candles are also said to reduce stress.
10. Take a nap – We all need to catch up on sleep. The benefits of sleep are endless for your mind, body, and soul.
11. Go for a walk/run – a few minutes of walking or running can increase your energy and decrease your stress and blood levels.
12. At-home face mask/ spa day – Indulging in an at-home spa day and face mask is very relaxing and feels great. Put the mask on and lay back for a few minutes to relax. Your mood and skin will thank you!
13. Journaling – Journaling is a great way to get your thoughts out and release feelings of frustration and angst. It’s also great to look back and see how you felt at certain times in your life.
14. Meditation – Meditating even for 5 minutes a day can have major benefits to your life. Meditation can also help with depression and anxiety and helps to clear the mind.
15. Yoga/exercise – Yoga is a great way to get your body moving and connect your body and mind.
16. Drink your favorite cup of tea/coffee – Something as simple as drinking your favorite drink can make you feel so good. Go grab your favorite cup and sip and enjoy!
17. Eat your favorite meal – Food is a universal love language and is considered comfort for many. Cook or order your favorite meal this Sunday and enjoy it to the fullest.
18. Spend time on your hobby – Doing something you enjoy is the best way to spend your self-care Sundays. This could mean taking photos, knitting, sewing, and much more. Just remember to stay present and focus on what you’re doing at the moment!
19. Worship/ spend time with God – One of the best ways to feed your spirit and recenter is to spend time talking to the Creator. This could mean praying, listening to worship music, or reading your favorite scriptures.
20. Listening to music – The vibrations of music can instantly change our entire mood and are a great way to instantly feel good.
21. Netflix– Sundays are a good day to just relax and catch up on your favorite movie or series and not leave the couch. We can’t deny what a good guilty pleasure series will do for you!
22. Spend time with family and friends – Spending time with your family and friends is a great way to practice self-care. Sometimes being around your loved ones is what is exactly what is needed.
23. Mani/Pedi – A manicure or pedicure is a great way to unwind and relax. Sit back, soak your feet and hands, and enjoy!
24. Inspirational podcast – There are so many podcasts out now for anything you want to listen to. Plug in and listen to something that inspires you!
25. Spend time alone – Alone time is something that cannot be beaten. In this overstimulated world sometimes all we need are moments to recharge by ourselves. Some of the best self-care days are spent alone.
26. Wear your favorite article of clothing – Lounging around the house in your favorite sweatshirt or comfy sweatpants is also a simple act of self-care. To be comfortable in your clothes helps to relax us all around.
27. Drink out of your favorite mug – Pick up that favorite mug that makes everything taste better! Pick your favorite drink and sip it out of your favorite mug!
28. Incense or essential oils – Incense and essential oils are some of my favorite self-care acts. Incense and essential oils can be calming and clear out the room’s negative energy. You can buy stress relief, calming, lavender, and many other different oils.
29. Dance – Dancing is one of the number 1 ways to increase our moods. Moving around and dancing to our favorite song is a fantastic way to practice self-care. You can do this for 5 minutes in the morning while brushing your teeth!
30. Get a massage – Massages are a great way to alleviate tension and stress
31. Text/ call someone you love – We all have those people we want to reach out to and let them know we are thinking of them, but never get around to it. Tomorrow isn’t promised. Send the text or dial that number and let them know they were on your mind! You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel.
in conclusion
Taking small steps delivers big results in the long run. You will be surprised at how much better you feel when taking a small moment to just breathe or stretch.
These are just a few ways to practice self-care Sunday, but there are thousands more. Remember to be intentional about whatever you are doing and that it does not have to be anything extravagant, costly, or take a long time. Just take a few minutes to incorporate these practices into your daily life and watch the improvement happen!
Please drop a comment below and let me know what self-care practices keep you going. Don’t forget to save this pin to come back to later!
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